FIRST (Families in Recovery SupporT) Steps Together is a Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) initiated home visiting program, with 6 sites across the Commonwealth, dedicated to serving and empowering families on their parenting and recovery journey. FIRST Steps Together is a home visiting program dedicated to serving and empowering parents on their journey recovering from substance use. The foundation for this project has been carefully laid by many years of experience gained through similar projects utilizing a specialized workforce of peer recovery staff focused on pregnancy and parenting. The project serves expectant parents and parents with a child aged 5 or under. Each participant is matched with a Family Recovery Support Specialist (FRSS), who is a parent in recovery with specialized training and offers connection and support through groups, clinical services, and care coordination.

Substance use impacts families across generations. FIRST Steps Together fosters strong, healthy family relationships with a focus on breaking the cycle of trauma across generations.  At the core of recovery is relationship repair and attachment and just as addiction can be passed down, so too can recovery. 

FIRST Steps Together helps parents and expectant parents address attachment challenges by offering consistent, non-judgmental support, rooted in trust and encouragement.  When parents are offered this type of support, it helps them feel safe and connected and allows them to reflect on their children’s needs for a safe, nurturing relationship and environment. We use attachment focused, evidence based  interventions, such as Circle of Security-Parenting, Mothering from the Inside Out, and Child-Parent Psychotherapy.

Our Impact

Since services began in 2019, approximately 1300 parents have enrolled across Massachusetts, along with thousands of children who have been impacted by their parents’ participation in the program. 


FIRST Steps Together was initially funded in 2018 with State Opioid Response funds from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), through the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) Bureaus of Substance Addiction Services (BSAS) and Family Health and Nutrition (BFHN).

Hear from participants and staff from the program

Program Overview
Keishla's Journey
Parent and Recovery

Our Values

Blog Post

News & Insights

FIRST Steps Guide 2
FIRST Steps Together
FIRST Steps Portfolio Download
FIRST Step Guide Download​
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